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Articles & Manuscripts


  • Augurzky, P., & Ulrich, R. (in preparation). Prosodic effects on on-line quantifier processing – evidence from ERPs.


  • Schlotterbeck, F., Augurzky, P., & Ulrich, R. (submitted): Degree of incrementality is modulated by experimental context.


  • Hohaus, V., Augurzky, P., & Ulrich, R. (under review): Quantificational domains in self-paced reading.​


  • Augurzky, P., Hohaus, V., & Ulrich, R. (2020): Context and complexity in incremental sentence interpretation: An ERP study on temporal quantification.44(11), Cognitive Science, 44(11), e12913


  • Augurzky, P., Schlotterbeck, F., , & Ulrich, R. (2020): Most (but not all) quantifiers are interpreted immediately in visual context. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 35 (9), 1-20.


  • Augurzky, P., Franke, M., & Ulrich, R. (2019). Gricean expectations in online sentence comprehension: an ERP study on the processing of scalar inferences. Cognitive Science, 43(8), e12776.


  • Bott, O., Augurzky, P., Sternefeld, W., & Ulrich, R. (2017). Incremental generation of answers during the comprehension of questions with quantifiers. Cognition, 166, 328-343.


  • Augurzky, P., Bott, O., Sternefeld, W., , & Ulrich, R. (2016). Are all the triangles blue? – ERP evidence for the incremental processing of German quantifier restriction. Language and Cognition.


  • Franke, M., Schlotterbeck, F., & Augurzky, P. (2016). Embedded Scalars, Preferred Readings and Prosody: An Experimental Revisit. Journal of Semantics.


  • Augurzky, P., & Kotchoubey, B. (2016). Prosodic phrasing in the presence of unambiguous verb information – ERP evidence from German. Neuropsychologia, 81, 31-49.


  • Augurzky, P., Riester, A., & Tomaschek, F. (2015). Segmental effects on prosody: Modelling German argument structure. In: Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, S. Schmid, & V. Dellwo (eds.), Trends in Phonetics and Phonology. Studies from German speaking Europe. Frankfurt am Main / Bern: Lang.


  • Schauffler, N., Schweitzer, A., Schweitzer, K. & Augurzky, P. (2015): Avoiding melodic clashes in pitch accent production: a corpus study. In: Leemann, A., M.-J. Kolly, S. Schmid, & V. Dellwo (eds.), Trends in Phonetics and Phonology. Studies from German speaking Europe. Frankfurt am Main / Bern: Lang.


  • Schauffler, N., Turco, G., & Augurzky, P. (2015): Producing multiple contrastive accents in German: Rhythmic and syntactic factors. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). August 10-14, 2015, Glasgow, UK.


  • Augurzky, P., & Schlesewsky, M. (2010). Prosodic phrasing and transitivity in head-final sentence comprehension: ERP evidence from German ambiguous DPs. In: H. Yamashita, Y. Hirose, J. L. Packard (Eds.): Processing and Producing Head-Final Structures. (pp. 69-92). Berlin: Springer (Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics).


  • Augurzky, P. (2008): Prosodic phrasing in German sentence production: Optimal length vs. argument structure. In: Botinis, A (Ed.): Proceedings of the ISCA Tutorial and and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (pp.33-36). University of Athens.


  • Augurzky, P., Alter, K., & Pechmann, T. (2004): The influence of prosody on reading – an ERP study on relative clause attachment. Proceedings of the Second CamLing Postgraduate Conference on Language Research. Cambridge: University of Cambridge.


  • Augurzky, P., Bornkessel, I., Pechmann, T., Schlesewsky, M., & Alter, K. (Ms.). Implicit prosody and incremental adjunct processing in German - ERP evidence from relative clause attachment.

  • Augurzky, P., & Heilmann, C. (Ms.). Facial fear constrains the semantic integration of emotionally valenced nouns.


Conference Presentations


  • Augurzky, P., Hohaus, V., & Ulrich, R. (2019). Incremental Processing of temporal quantification – evidence from self-paced reading and ERPs. Poster presented at AMLaP 2019, Moskov, September 2019.


  • Augurzky, P., Schlotterbeck, F., & Ulrich, R. (2019). Processing superlatives and comparatives – ERP studies on monotonicity effects in picture-sentence verification. Poster presented at AMLaP 2019, Moskov, September 2019.


  • Augurzky, P., Hohaus, V., & Ulrich, R. (2019). Predictive processing during on-line reasoning: the case of temporal quantification. Oral presentation at the workshop Reasoning, Argumentation and Logic in Natural Language 9, Bochum, April 2019. 


  • Augurzky, P., Hohaus, V., & Ulrich, R. (2018). Processing domain restriction across denotation domains: The case of temporal quantification. Poster to be presented at the workshop Ambiguity as Information Gaps – Processes of Creation and Resolution, Tübingen, November 2018.


  • Augurzky, P., & Schauffler, N. (2018). Why two is not always better than one – an ERP study on minimality-based and prosodic predictions in German discourse processing. Poster presented at AMLaP 2018, Berlin, September 2017.


  • Augurzky, P., Schlotterbeck, F., & Ulrich, R. (2018). Is it easier to think positive? An ERP study on quantifier processing in German". CUNY 2018, Davis, CA., March 15-17.


  • Augurzky, P., Schlotterbeck, F., & Ulrich, R. (2018). Most (but not all) quantifiers are interpreted immediately in visual context. Oral presentation at Workshop: The Pragmatics of Quantifiers: Implicature and Presupposition - Experiment and Theory. ZAS Berlin, June 2018.


  • Franke, M., & Augurzky, P. (2017). Incremental & predictive pragmatic interpretation: A rational analysis. Workshop: Revising formal semantic and pragmatic theories from a neurocognitive perspective, Bochum, June 2017.


  • Augurzky, P., & Franke, M. (2017). Why your mates are relevant – ERP evidence on the impact of lexical alternatives on on-line implicature processing in German. Poster presented at AMLaP 2017, Lancaster, September 2017.


  • Augurzky, P. & Franke, M. (2016). Investigating the time course of pragmatic expectations - ERP evidence on German implicature processing. Poster presented at AMLaP 2016, Bilbao, September 2016.


  • Augurzky, P., Schlotterbeck, F. & Ulrich, R. (2016). Degree of incrementality is modulated by experimental context - ERP evidence from German quantifier restriction. Poster presented at AMLaP 2016, Bilbao, September 2016.


  • Schauffler, N. & Augurzky, P. (2016). Rhythm influences the processing of double-focus sentences: ERP Evidence from German. Poster presented at AMLaP 2016, Bilbao, September 2016.


  • Augurzky, P., Bott, O., Sternefeld, W., & Ulrich, R (2015). Are all the triangles blue? ERP evidence from German quantifier restriction. Poster presented at CUNY 2015, Los Angeles, March 2015.


  • Augurzky, P., Bott, O., Sternefeld, W., & Ulrich, R (2015). Visual context effects on incremental question processing – ERP evidence from German quantifier restriction. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2015, Malta, September 2015.


  • Schauffler, N., Turco, G., & Augurzky, P. (2015). Multiple contrastive accents in German production: Syntactic and rhythmic factors. Poster presented at the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Glasgow, August 2015.


  • Augurzky, P., Bott, O., Sternefeld, W., & Ulrich, R. (2014). Incremental processing of quantificational restriction: Evidence from cross-modal probe recognition. Poster presented at AMLaP 2014, Edinburgh, September 2014.


  • Augurzky, P., Bott, O., Sternefeld, W. & Ulrich, R. (2014). The incrementality of semantic interpretation: Processing quantificational restriction. Oral presentation at KogWis 2014, Tübingen, September / October 2014.


  • Augurzky, P. (2014). Variabilität bei der Argumentverarbeitung im Deutschen. IV Diskussionsformum Linguistik in Bayern. München, May 2014.


  • Augurzky, P., Tomaschek, F. & Riester, A. (2013). The interplay of prosodic, segmental and syntactic cues in German argument/adjunct phrases. Oral presentation at Workshop on Segment-Prosody Interactions, Ann Arbor, July 13. 


  • Augurzky, P., Tomaschek, F., & Riester, A.. (2013). Cue interplay in German adjunct/argument phrases. Poster presented at AMLAP, Marseille, September 2013.


  • Schauffler, N., Schweitzer, K., Schweitzer, A., & Augurzky, P (2013): Do opposites attract? A corpus study on pitch accent alternation. Poster presented at Phonetik & Phonologie 9. Zürich, October 2013.


  • Augurzky, P., & Kotchoubey, B. (2012). Prosodic phrasing vs. verbal demands. ERP evidence from German. Oral presentation at Phonetik & Phonologie 8. Jena, October 2012.


  • Schauffler, N., Augurzky, P., Schweitzer, K., & Lewandowski, N (2012): Effects of prosodic balance in different elicitation techniques. Poster at AMLaP 2012. Riva del Garda, September 2012.


  • Schweitzer, K., Eckart, K, Dogil, G., & Augurzky, P. (2012). Prosodic Balance. Poster presented at the 13th conference on laboratory phonology (LabPhon 13).Stuttgart, July 2012.


  • Augurzky, P., Kotchoubey, B., & Dogil, G. (2011). Effects of presentation mode on ERPs in silent reading: evidence from German. Oral presentation at New trends in experimental psycholinguistics (ERP), Madrid, September 2011.


  • Augurzky, P., Riester, A., & Eckart, K., Jäger, G., & Schweitzer, K. (2011). Effects of transitivity and discourse-context on prosodic phrasing in German. Poster presented at Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody 2, Montréal, September 2011.


  • Augurzky, P., Kotchoubey, B., & Dogil, G. (2011). Neurophysiological correlates of argument structure processing in German – Effects of implicit-prosodic context and presentation technique. Poster presented at Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody 2, Montréal, September 2011.


  • Schweitzer, K., Eckart, K., Augurzky, A., Lewandowski, N., & Dogil, G. (2011). A corpus-phonetic investigation of prosodic balance in German. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2011, Paris, September 2011.


  • Augurzky, P., Dogil., G., & Kotchoubey, B. (2010). Priming German argument structure via silent prosody: A combined ERP/SPR study. Poster presented at Jahrestreffen Phonetik & Phonologie (6), Frankfurt, October 2010.


  • Augurzky, P. (2009a). Balance and alignment in German sentence comprehension and production. Poster presented at the Jahrestreffen Phonetik & Phonologie (5), Cologne, March 2009.


  • Augurzky, P. (2009b). The role of prosody-inherent factors in the production and comprehension of German argument structure. Poster presented at CUNY 2009, Davis, CA, USA, March 2009.


  • Augurzky, P. (2008a). Disambiguating German argument structure ambiguities: A comparison between sentence comprehension and production. Oral presentation at Prosodic Interface Relations (PIR), Stuttgart, November 2008.


  • Augurzky, P. (2008b). Prosodic balance constrains argument structure interpretation in German. Poster presented at AMLaP 2008, Cambridge, September 2008.


  • Augurzky, P. (2008a). Prosodic phrasing in German sentence production: Optimal length vs. argument structure. Oral presentation at the ISCA Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens, August 2008.


  • Augurzky, P., & Schlesewsky, M. (2007). Prosodic phrasing affects the incremental interpretation of ambiguous NPs in head-final sentence processing: ERP evidence from German. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Processing Head-final Structures, Rochester, NY, September 2007.


  • Augurzky, P. (2007). Effects of prosodic phrasing on structural ambiguity. Paper presented at the DGFS Jahrestreffen, Siegen, March 2007.


  • Augurzky, P. , Bornkessel, I., Pechmann, T., & Schlesewsky, M. (2006). The temporal availability of distinct prosodic cues during sentence comprehension – ERP evidence from German RC attachment. Poster presented at CUNY 20066, New York, NY, USA, March 2006.


  • Augurzky, P., Bornkessel, I. Alter, K. & Pechmann, T. (2005a): Investigating the time course of German relative clause attachment - ERP evidence for immediate decisions. Poster presented at CUNY 2005, Tucson, AZ, USA, March / April 2005.

  • Augurzky, P., Bornkessel, I. Alter, K. & Pechmann, T. (2005b): Producing RC Attachment Ambiguities in German – Balancing vs. Information Structure. Poster resented at CUNY 2005, Tucson, AZ, USA, March / April 2005.

  • Augurzky, P., Alter, K. & Pechmann, T. (2004a): The Use of Prepositions Lowers Relative Clause Attachment Preferences in German. Poster presented at AMLaP 2004, Aix-en-Provence, September 2004.


  • Augurzky, P., Alter, K. & Pechmann, T. (2004b): Prosodic principles guide parsing preferences while reading - an ERP investigation of relative clause attachment. Poster presented at CUNY 2004, College Park, MD, USA, March 2004.


  • Augurzky, P., Alter, K. & Pechmann, T. (2003). Influence of Preposition Type on Relative Clause Attachment – Some Electrophysiological Evidence. Poster presented at Syntax and Beyond (SAB), International Workshop on Syntactic Processing and its Relation to the Processing of Discourse, Information Structure, Semantics and Prosody, Max-Planck-Insitut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, August 2003.




  • Augurzky, P. (2006). Attaching Relative Clauses in German - The Role of Implicit and Explicit Prosody in Sentence Processing. MPI Series in Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 77, Leipzig.




  • Sudhoff, S., Lenertova, D., Meyer, R., Pappert, S., Augurzky, P., Mleinek, I., Richter, R., & Schließer, J. (2006, eds.). Methods in Empirical Prosody Research. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter.


Other Presentations


  • University of Cologne, Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur: "Prosodische Phrasierung inkrementell – die Argument-/Adjunktdistinktion im Deutschen." February 2011.


  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft: "The status of prosodic information in models of online sentence comprehension. A neurolinguistic perspective." October 2009.


  • University College London; Speech, Hearing, and Phonetic Sciences Research Department: "The role of prosodic information in sentence processing: ERP and production evidence from German." July 2008.


  • University of Stuttgart, Seminar "Brain-Language Computational Interface(s) ", IMS: "EEG als Methode für Sprachverarbeitungsstudien - Verfahren und Möglichkeiten." February 2005.


Internal Presentations


  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: Oberseminar Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: "Einfluss der Präsentationsart auf die inkrementelle Verarbeitung prosodischer Phrasierung." January 2011.


  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: Oberseminar Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: "Verarbeitung skalarer Elemente in eingebetteten Kontexten." (with Michael Franke & Fabian Schlotterbeck). July 2011.


  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: Institutsversammlung Psychologie: "Priming silent prosody in real-time language comprehension." February 2009.


  • University of Stuttgart: Graduiertenkolleg Linguistische Repräsentationen and ihre Interpretation: "Balance and argument structure in head-final sentence production." June, 2008.


  • University of Stuttgart: IMS Institutversammlung: "Prosodic balance and ambiguity resolution in German sentence production." May 2008.


  • University of Stuttgart: GK Winter-Workshop: "Prosodic phrasing in German argument structure ambiguities." February 2008.


  • University of Stuttgart: ILG-Workshop "Linguistisches Potpourri": "Interaktion prosodischer Ebenen bei der Argument-/Adjunktdistinktion." July, 2007.


  • University of Stuttgart: Seminar Introduction to Neurolinguistic Methods: "Neuronale Korrelate der Sprachverarbeitung: vom EEG zum EKP." June 2007.


  • University of Marburg: Linguistisches Kolloquium: "Implizite und explizite Prosodie bei der Sprachverarbeitung." June 2006.


  • University of Marburg: Graduiertenkolleg Neuroact: "Prosodie in der visuellen und auditorischen Verarbeitung ambiger Strukturen." February 2006.


  • University of Leipzig: Graduiertenkolleg Universalität and Diversität: "Relativsatzanbindung prosodisch - Einflüsse auf die visuelle und auditorische Verarbeitung." July 2005.


  • University of Leipzig: Psycholinguistisches Kolloquium: "Zum Einfluss prosodischer Phrasierung auf die auditorische Relativsatzanbindung." July 2005.


  • University of Leipzig: Psycholinguistisches Kolloquium: "Relativsatzanbindung prosodisch - Balancing vs. Informationsstruktur." November 2004.


  • University of Leipzig: Graduiertenkolleg Universalität und Diversität: "Die Juristin flötete abends immer grauenhaft. Oder war es die Kollegin? Relativsatz-anbindung im Deutschen." Juli 2004.


  • University of Leipzig: Psycholinguistisches Kolloquium: "Implizite Prosodie in der Relativsatzanbindung." Mai 2004.


  • University of Leipzig: Psycholinguistisches Kolloquium: "EEG als Methode zur Untersuchung der Sprachverarbeitung." November 2003.


  • University of Leipzig: Graduiertenkolleg Universalität and Diversität: "Syntaxverarbeitung crosslinguistisch: Relativsatzanbindung im Zweitspracherwerb." July 2003.


  • University of Leipzig: Psycholinguistisches Kolloquium: "Verarbeitung von syntaktischen Ambiguitäten im Zweitspracherwerb." May 2003.

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